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SAP PPM Data Archiving with SAP ILM (EU-GDPR)

Project Overview

This project entailed setting up the initial archiving of all objects and documents in the PPM area for one of Germany's largest telecommunications providers, with a particular focus on compliance with the EU-GDPR.

Key Project Information

  • Project Start: February 2018
  • Project End: December 2018
  • Status: Completed

Project Goals

  • Initial Archiving: Establishing a system for archiving all PPM-related objects and documents.
  • EU-GDPR Compliance: Ensuring adherence to data protection guidelines according to the EU-GDPR.
  • Efficiency Improvement: Enhancing data management and accessibility within the framework of legal requirements.

Implementation and Challenges

The project included:

  1. Requirements Analysis: Determining the specific requirements for data archiving in line with the EU-GDPR.
  2. System Implementation: Setting up and customizing the SAP ILM system for specific needs.
  3. Data Migration and Verification: Transferring existing data into the new system and verifying compliance.

Results and Benefits

The successful implementation led to a robust archiving system that complies with data protection requirements and enables more efficient data management.

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