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ERP Data Archiving with SAP ILM (EU-GDPR)

Project Overview

Implementation of an enhanced SAP ILM solution for data archiving in the ERP area for a leading European provider in the telecommunications sector. The project focused on complying with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and integrating ArchiveLink for efficient document management.

Key Project Information

  • Project Start: October 2018
  • Project End: March 2019
  • Status: Completed

Project Objectives

  • SAP ILM Enhancement: Customizing the SAP ILM solution for comprehensive archiving in the ERP system.
  • Compliance with EU GDPR: Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Integration of ArchiveLink: Setting up ArchiveLink for improved document management.

Implementation and Challenges

The project included:

  1. Analysis of ERP Data: Examining existing ERP data structures and processes.
  2. Customization of SAP ILM: Development and implementation of extended features in SAP ILM.
  3. Integration and Testing: Incorporating ArchiveLink and verifying system compliance with GDPR.

Results and Benefits

The project led to the successful archiving of critical ERP data while complying with GDPR, improved data management and document handling, and increased overall system efficiency in telecommunications services.

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